ANDF - definition. What is ANDF
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Architecture Neutral Distribution Format (Reference: OSF)
Architecture Neutral Distribution Format         
<programming, operating system> (ANDF) An emerging OSF standard for software distribution. Programs are compiled into ANDF before distribution and executables are produced from it for the local target system. This allows software to be developed and distributed in a single version then installed on a variety of hardware. See also UNCOL. ["Architecture Neutral Distribution Format: A White Paper", Open Software Foundation, Nov 1990]. (1995-10-20)


Architecture Neutral Distribution Format

The Architecture Neutral Distribution Format (ANDF) in computing is a technology allowing common "shrink wrapped" binary application programs to be distributed for use on conformant Unix systems, translated to run on different underlying hardware platforms. ANDF was defined by the Open Software Foundation and was expected to be a "truly revolutionary technology that will significantly advance the cause of portability and open systems", but it was never widely adopted.

As with other OSF offerings, ANDF was specified through an open selection process. OSF issued a Request for Technology for architecture-neutral software distribution technologies in April, 1989. Fifteen proposals were received, based on a variety of technical approaches, including obscured source code, compiler intermediate languages, and annotated executable code.

The technology of ANDF, chosen after an evaluation of competing approaches and implementations, was Ten15 Distribution Format, later renamed TenDRA Distribution Format, developed by the UK Defence Research Agency.

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